People are angry.  It seems that whoever is in office, greedy corporations, power hungry unions and special interests (inside and outside) of government make the decision—elected officials are no longer listened to.

The media gives biased reports and censor those with differing views.  Our tax dollars’ finance NPR—with 87 Democrats on the writing staff and zero Republicans.  Schools long ago ended free speech, and students can easily close down a class, a speaker or college without consequences (except at Pomona College).

The good news is that finally everyone knows government and the media lies—they are not to be trusted—this is good for Democracy.


By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  4/17/24

Almost 60 years ago, the Rolling Stones had a hit song ungrammatically entitled “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction.”

The Stones were ahead of their time.

In 2024, America’s main presidential candidates provide no satisfaction.

President Joe Biden is 81 years old.  Former President Donald Trump will be 78 years old in June 2024.

Both candidates are too old to take on the most demanding job in the world:  president of the United States.

On Apr. 15, 2025, jury selection for Trump’s trial for criminal activity –- activity involving the payment of hush money to a pornographic actress — begins.

In his 2024 campaign, Trump has been using provocative words like “bloodbath,” and “vermin.”  Trump recently said that immigrants are “poisoning the blood” of our country.

Biden has been ambivalent or hostile to Israel’s efforts to destroy Hamas, a Palestinian terrorist group located in the Gaza Strip.  Israel is an American ally and must get all the military support it needs to defeat Hamas and other entities hostile to Israel.

On Apr. 14, 2024, Iran attacked Israel with missiles and other projectiles.  Biden has said that Israel should declare victory and not respond to the Iranian attack.  Israel should decide what is in its own best interest and not be bullied by the United States.

In about six months, America will hold a presidential election.  Does anyone know where Trump and Biden stand on the issue of war and peace?

On the subject of abortion, Trump keeps changing his mind.  Initially, he was for a federal law banning abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy.  Now, he says, issues of abortion are a matter for individual states to decide.  What will Trump do if Congress passes an anti-abortion law and Trump is re-elected?  Will he sign or veto the legislation?  According to CNN (Apr. 10, 2024), Trump has, since 1999, changed his views on abortion 15 times.

On the inflation front, the federal government recently reported that prices rose 3.5% from 12 months earlier.  Can this figure of 3.5% be believed?  And what has Biden been doing about excessive government spending.  Biden, like Trump, has failed to balance a federal budget, allowing the nation’s debt to reach $34 trillion dollars.  In 1981, the debt was $1 trillion.  How long can excessive spending go on before lenders refuse to buy American debt?

America elections used to be interesting or just plain fun.  There were candidates, no matter what people thought of them, like Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Richard Nixon, and Ronald Reagan.  Today, America has two senior citizens who are octogenarians or almost octogenarians.

If America, like England, had a parliamentary system, such geriatric candidates as Trump and Biden could easily be removed from power.  In America, people are stuck with a president for four years if the president completes his or her term.

In their 1965 hit, “Satisfaction,” the Rolling Stones sang, “I can’t get no satisfaction . . . ‘cause I try and try and try and I try . . .”

Now, in 2024, the American people might be singing the same song and saying, “I can’t get no satisfaction.”

One thought on “Colman: NO SATISFACTION

  1. Elected officials are no longer listened to because they are just mouth pieces for the greedy corporations, hungry unions and specialist interest groups that pay them the most money. We don’t know where Trump or Biden stand on any of the real issues facing the country and the world because the 2024 Presidential election is only about declaring Trump criminally not fit for office and possibly putting him in jail and declaring Biden not qualified to be president because of his limited mental capacity. Read “Personal Opinions of One Common Man” soon to be released.

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